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Ugly Lies the Bone Page 4
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JESSYou’re gonna – have – kids – together?
STEVIEWell she’ll probably end up pregnant at some point.
JESSSo romantic.
STEVIENo, just – I mean. Nothing ever seems different… I keep waiting for it to.
Beat. STEVIE goes to turn on the radio, grumbling preparatory remarks about the launch. JESS turns it off.
JESS…Do you – do you remember what I – looked like?
STEVIEYeah, duh, I don’t have amnesia –
JESSCan you be serious?
STEVIEWhat do you mean, do I remember – yeah, yes. Of course.
JESSCan you tell me.
JESSWhat I looked like.
STEVIEI dunno –
JESSI’m asking.
STEVIEI – Your hair – was.
He can’t articulate so gestures to indicate that it was long.
– this is stupid.
STEVIE– Long, it was really. You had healthy hair, is
that a thing?
STEVIEYou shed like a dog… It’d be in our sheets… the shower.
JESSWhat else –
STEVIECome on.
JESSStevie. Please.
STEVIE…I… liked to watch you – brush it.
JESS…You did?
STEVIEYou looked – little in all that hair. I’d roll over in bed, it would –
(Makes choking sounds.)
You know – like choke me.
JESS(Sarcastic.) Thanks –
STEVIENo, no I liked that… My wife has short hair, makes her look like a lesbian. Or a mom.
JESSCan you, for two seconds, two seconds
JESSLook. Do you remember my skin –
STEVIEEnough. Okay?
JESSI need to know –
STEVIEWhy are you doing this?
JESSDo you?
STEVIEWhat kind of a question is that? Yeah, yes, sure.
JESSWhy aren’t you looking at me?
STEVIEFine. I do.
JESSYou’re still not looking at me.
STEVIE(Angry.) I remember your skin. Okay?! Is that what you wanna hear?!
(Kinder, an apology.) People don’t – always look – the way they – looked. People change.
JESSNot exactly the same –
STEVIEAnd people don’t ever like the way they look. It’s a thing. It’s like – nobody does. Nobody actually likes themselves. Nobody looks in the mirror and is like, ‘Mmm.’
JESSYou don’t have to make me feel better, that wasn’t the point –
STEVIEI’m trying…
JESSI know.
STEVIE…I got gray hair / now –
JESSDo not even – !!
STEVIEI am not comparing, I’m…
Wanna see?
She laughs, shakes her head, gives up.
STEVIE– this cheek. Right around –
JESS(Inspecting his beard.) There’s like one!
STEVIENo, I got this whole salt-and-pepper thing starting.
JESSI think I need a microscope.
STEVIEPretty soon, I’ll be all gray. And you don’t even wanna see me with my clothes off now.
JESS… All gray?
STEVIENo, God, I didn’t – no, I just, I don’t look the same.
I don’t wanna hafta look at me naked. My wife doesn’t wanna – I… am… I keep saying A LOT. You just. You don’t wanna see me all nude, it’s – not good.
She laughs.
…You don’t – want to, right?
JESSWas that some kind of weird offer?
STEVIENo… I – didn’t want that to be the reason you asked me over. That would make me feel sad.
JESSYou basically invited yourself!
JESSMaybe you shouldn’t have come.
STEVIEWe’re just talking.
JESSI know.
They stare into the night sky.
I can’t. Think of what I look like. Forget now. But before. It’s blank… Nobody recognizes me, even you didn’t. I-I can’t get ONE person to. And you are the last – who knew me like that… All of me…
STEVIE…You always had tan lines.
He goes to sort of-touch her, but can’t get past sort of.
He touches his own collar bone.
And –
He touches his chest, gestures out towards hers. She moves closer, pushing her upper chest into his outstretched palm. Beat.
(Breaking away.) Do you think, um – do you think it’s going up soon – ?!
JESSStevie –
STEVIEMy favorite part about launches –
JESSStevie. Look at me.
He does briefly, looks back the radio.
STEVIEEverything stopped. Cars pulled off the highway. Teachers quit teaching so we could watch from the soccer field –
She keeps trying to look at him, but he can’t maintain eye contact.
All down the block, people came outta their houses to stand in the driveway – Everybody in the world was looking up.
He tries to turn the radio on, but she won’t let him, turning his face towards her.
Jess. It’s hard, ’cause your –
JESSI know what I look like –
STEVIENo, no. It’s hard for me ’cause your –
(Gestures to their eyes.) Your eyes’re – still – they’re like – still exactly the same.
Long beat.
JESSYou think?
STEVIEThey are.
She takes his hand, guides it to her eyelids. Holds it there.
He tries. He really does. He moves closer. For a fleeting moment, there is the chance of something together, something new.
But then it happens. The horizon lights up with a fiery gold. Light first, then sound. Together, they look up to the night sky, faces bright with the shuttle’s flame.
A moment of beauty before the roof shakes with a guttural rumbling.
Suddenly JESS starts to shake, panic, hyperventilate, scream.
What’s wrong?!
JESSWhat is that, what is that?!?
JESSWhat, what, what, we need to go –
STEVIESh – what’s wrong?
He tries to hold her. She shakes harder.
JESSGET OFF ME!!! Get inside, move!!
Lights shift. Sounds of gunshots. Chaos.
JESS is more or less alone, shouting into the void.
Get your team up here!!!! Don’t leave two men walking by themselves. Get your team UP HERE!!!!
JESS hums ‘Good King Wenceslas’ which turns into the army cadence/march.
Let’s GO, let’s GO! All together!!
(Chanting to the tune of ‘Good King Wenceslas’.)
Guns, war, and then an explosion with the lick of crackling flames. Lights dim.
Focus on what you see.
Lights to JESS coming downstage, still shaking.
Do you know where you are?
You are in a VR room. It is the early evening. And I am meeting you here after hours, so I need you to stay focused…
She does.
I want you to take this one ste
p at a time…
Brace yourself.
And –
Get ready to go!
Patriotic songs or Paul Simon?
JESS(Harshly.) What do you think?
‘You Can Call Me Al’ by Paul Simon begins.
JESS pushes her walker to the side and steps her feet, one at a time, walking in place. As she walks in place, the projected landscape rushes towards her. Perhaps she slides across the ice or we watch the walking become easier for her.
Lights shift to the living room. Music out.
KACIE opens the front door to STEVIE, drenched in sweat, maybe a little out of breath.
KACIEShe’s asleep.
STEVIE– Whew! Good, glad she’ll get some sleep, good.
KACIE stares at STEVIE who fidgets with his shirt.
Front door was open. I’m – not – normally this – sweaty – took a couple laps round the ol’ block while you two were gone. – Hot out, huh?… JU-LY! I am gross.
KACIEDo you need something.
STEVIEUh, I had uh – I brought a bag with me earlier tonight? – and like a blanket – my big comforter from my bed, so. Can’t show up home without it!
KACIE gestures that he should get it and be quick. STEVIE enters the living room, takes the blanket, looks around.
KACIEIn her room.
STEVIEY’know what – keep – keep the beer. I’ll probably – rolllll on out –
KACIEWhat’re you doing here?
STEVIEOh, I was waiting outside for you two to get back from the hospital. I saw you help her back in the house.
KACIEWhat were you – watching from the bushes?
STEVIEI – I wanted to make sure she’s okay.
KACIE(Even harsher.) What. Are you doing?
STEVIE…I’m really glad she’s okay.
KACIEYou were the last person I thought would be calling. I can’t believe you still have my number.
STEVIEI should probably –
KACIEYeah. You probably should.
He goes for the door, hesitates, turns back.
STEVIEI’m not some – I dunno what you think I am, but a lot’s confusing for me too.
KACIEAlright, then. Here.
She throws something at him.
STEVIEWhat is this?
KACIEListerine strips.
STEVIEWhat is – is it my breath?
KACIEHer doctor said whoever spends time with her has to carry them, you can fit ’em in your pocket. They’re less bulky than smelling salts.
He looks at the strips, confused.
When this happens. And it doesn’t happen a lot. But it’s happened before… and it’s more than likely gonna happen again, she needs something to ground her in reality. Sucking on Listerine makes her snap to.
STEVIEOh, okay… Nice.
STEVIE slips them into his pocket.
KACIEMight be faster than calling me.
STEVIE…Sorry I didn’t know –
KACIEDoctor’s numbers are here.
STEVIEI see that now –
KACIELoud noises. The beach. Crowded places.
All that’s out.
KACIEYeah, it’s ‘cool’ she takes these.
KACIE pushes over an extra-large pill organizer.
STEVIENo worries.
This hangs in the air.
– here.
She throws a tub of medicated cream.
Rub this on her skin grafts. Her scalp, her back, four times a day. On the new, raw skin. There are places she can’t reach.
KACIEYou’ll have to scrub until the scabs break open. Or else her skin hardens too thick and she can’t move. That’s what happened to her knee, she couldn’t bend it. And patches on her spine still ooze a little, bandages stick when you rip them off, so you’ll need to rub on this.
She throws another. STEVIE stares down at all that is in his hands.
KACIEShe probably doesn’t want you to know –
STEVIE(Threatening.) Then stop telling me.
KACIE…She is living on hope. And there is very little of it around here… So if you’re taking away even a fraction, even a decimal… If you’re giving her even this much – and it’s not real…
STEVIEI’m not doing anything…
KACIEYou are. You don’t know it I guess, but you are.
STEVIE– I don’t know what I’m doing.
KACIE(A threat.) Well figure it out.
STEVIEYeah. Yeah. I will.
STEVIE puts everything down, returning even the Listerine strips, and exits.
KACIE(With venom.) …Tell your wife we all say hello.
KACIE picks everything up, heads into the bedroom.
The music in the game begins – à la Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Sound of Silence’ – underscoring the following scene fragments so that Snow World overlaps and blends with reality in a kind of fluid dream.
VOICE…What does paradise look like?
JESS emerges, heading downstage, determined.
Is there anything else you’d like?
VOICEMore trees?
VOICEMore snow?
VOICEYou’re at the base of the mountain and need to make your way to the top.
JESS walks up the mountain.
On a scale of one to ten.
JESS walks up the mountain.
Any pain?
JESSTurn the music up.
KACIE appears in the living room, talking to! JESS as she continues to walk.
KACIEJess, Mom really wants to see you today, I know it… I want you to come with me. Would you stop, would you talk to me?!
STEVIE puts his uniform on, and enters the convenience store.
JESS walks through the snow as KELVIN drifts in.
STEVIEWelcome to Space Coast Convenience.
KACIECome on. Please?
KELVIN(To KACIE.) Kacie, this is how it works. You’ll just give your money to me. Big, small, doesn’t matter.
Investments are investments as I always say.
STEVIEWelcome to Space Coast Convenience.
KELVINI’ll put your money in my business account. Kelvin and Sons, we don’t have any sons yet, but it sounds better, don’t you think?
KACIEJess – ??
KELVINAnd we go to short sales. Up and down NASA Parkway, foreclosure here, foreclosure there.
STEVIEWelcome to Space Coast Convenience.
KELVINBuy, buy, buy from the bank. Sell to the people. Like Robin Hood. Robin Hood who makes a profit. A year’s salary. In three weeks, how does that sound?
STEVIEWelcome to Space Coast Convenience, can we still call it that anymore?
KELVINYou and me together… Drivin’ through the Rockies.
JESS continues to walk up the mountain.
KACIE reappears, a new sense of urgency.
KACIEJess – Let’s go. Mom had a fall.
KACIEI’ve had to deal with this by myself for years, you are coming… Be my sister.
KACIE(Near tears.) It’ll be great! It’ll be so good for her.
JESS rips off the headset, turns to KACIE in the living room.
JESS(With venom.) Kacie… No. She is NOT going to recognize me.
KACIE exits, upset. JESS turns back to the game.
VOICEYou’re coming up to a fallen tree –
JESSWhat do I do?
VOICEDon’t stop – JUMP.
JESS does.
And now, she is fully in it.
We see JESS as she sees herself in the game.
The sense of JESS rising up and
her walker falling away. Perhaps when she jumps, she is suspended mid-jump and her movements becomes free and graceful and powerful and strong. Perhaps the stage rises as the mountain does, too narrow for her walker to fit, so it falls off. Perhaps, more than likely, it is something that takes place on the ground, but gives the feeling of this new level of freedom and height.
She runs and runs.
Then JESS dismantles the framed family photos from the living room walls. Again, perhaps she does this from the ground.
What does paradise look like?
JESS breaks the picture frames open, taking out photographs.
Gone are aches and pains –
Your body’s war.
All these things that keep you trivial.
All these things that make you small.
JESS makes her way downstage.
Here, you’ve created everything.
So you are as big
and as powerful
as the stars.
JESS rises and runs and rises and runs. Until:
Lights shift. Music out.
JESS is earthbound and back to reality, trapped behind her metal walker, out of breath.
JESS, holding photos, looks up for the voice.
VOICEPain – ?
JESSOh come on, I don’t know. Why do we have to stop –
VOICEWe’re not stopping. I just need to know –
From one to ten…
JESSI don’t know!
VOICECould you try answering on the scale –
JESSWhen we stop, I’m so tired of being tired.
VOICEIs this not working?
JESSNo, no it is –
VOICEYour numbers are down! While you’re in here, you’re showing improvements –
JESS– but I need it to work out there!
VOICEI’m sorry you’re feeling that way, I am, but I’m not sure what else I can do – for you.
JESSI need you to redesign the game.
VOICEI – I don’t understand.
JESSInstead of snow, I want you to build my town.
Build it back up again.
VOICEJessica. That is not how this works.
JESSI brought these pictures –
VOICEYou have to keep moving forward in the game. Do you understand? Forward motion is how you’ll survive.
JESSAll I wanted to was to get outta here. This town had nothing, but beaches and tacky souvenir shops, orange stands and every field trip we took to the Space Center, that stupid billboard with the shuttle that says ‘Welcome to where dreams are launched!’ And then – as soon as I’d leave – all I thought about here.